Assalamualaikum wbt
Actually, lisa memang x sempat nak bukak blog setiap hari sekarang ni... so, lisa decide buat autopost la ...hehe... lisa nak share lagi kata-kata hikmah atau tazkirah dari Prof Muhaya since ramai yang search kan... lisa ambil dari FB Prof Muhaya... :)
Jom kita baca, hayati dan amalkan...inshaallah ...
org yg hebat akan membuatkan org lain merasa hebat.. ttp org yg kecil akan suka mengecil2kan org lain... org yg suka membuka keaiban org lain, suka mencari kesalahan org lain, sebenarnya mempunyai banyak keaiban sendiri...
Sebelum kahwin, iblis menggoda manusia supaya berzina selepas kahwin iblis menggoda supaya bercerai- Jom audit. Jika kita sudah berumah tangga dan keadaan tidak bahagia itu adalah bisikan iblis.Maka, cari ilmu dan dekatkan diri pada Allah dan jaga solat dan istiqamah solat berjemaah.
3 pintu utama iblis masuk pada kita 1. nafsu syahwat, 2. kelalaian, 3. kejahilan.
Semoga kita yang bekerja hari ini niat untuk solat tepat pada waktu dan memberi kebaikan dan bermanfaat. suri rumah tangga semoga niat memenuhi waktu dengan perkara berfaedah dan atur ibadah sunat dengan baik dan amalkan mendengar ilmu semasa menjalankan tugas. Setiap ilmu yang baik menjadi makanan jiwa yang mendidik diri dan meningkatkan kesedaran ketuhanan. Jom audit.
Pilihan kita setiap hari menggambarkan keimanan kita- Pilihan juga menentukan hasil kehidupan dunia dan akhirat. Lihat hasil kehidupan kita, jika tidak seperti kita mahu, henti menyalahkan orang lain dan ambil tanggung jawab dan buat pilihan berbeza utk hasil berbeza. Jom audit diri.
Semoga kita menganggap semua berlaku pada kita sebagai cermin diri kita. InsyaAllah akan hilang segala menyalahkan sebaliknya akan mengambil tanggung jawab. Anggap semua peristiwa pelajaran kehidupan.
then, lastly ada story dari page prof ...
Take time to read.... very nice story..
A man woke up early in order to have his morning devotion. He got dressed, set on his way to Allah's house.
On his way to the MASJID, the man fell and his clothes got dirty.. He got up, brushed himself up, and headed home.
At home, he changed his clothes, and was, again, on his way to the MASJID.
On his way to the MASJID, he fell again at the same spot! He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home.
At home he, once again, changed his clothes and was on his way to Allah's house.
On his way to the MASJID, he met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of his identity and the man replied 'I saw you fall twice on your way to the MASJID, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way.
The first man thanked him profusely and the two went on their way to the MASJID.
Once at the MASJID, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and offer SALAAH with him.
The second man refused.
The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same.
The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.
The man replied, 'I am Satan'. The man was shocked at this reply. Satan went on to explain, 'I saw you on your way to the MASJID and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the MASJID, Allah ( s.w.t) forgave all of your sins.
I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to MASJID. Because of that, Allah (s.w.t) forgave all the sins of the people of your household.
I was afraid if I made you fall one more time, then Allah (s.w.t )will forgive the sins of the whole nation (world)so I made sure that you reached the MASJID safely.'
Do not put off the good you intended to do as you never know how much reward you might receive from the hardships you encounter while trying to achieve that good.
For your righteousness can save your family and nation at large.
Do this and see the victory of the Allah ( s.w.t )
If forwarding this message will bother you, or take too much time from you, then don't do it, but you will not get the reward of it, which is great.
Wouldn't it be easy just to press 'Forward' and receive this reward?
Praise be to Allah ( s.w.t) in the highest.
🔲When you Carry the Quran. Shaitan gets a Headache.
🔲When you Open it, he Collapses.
🔲When he Sees you Reading it, he Faints.
🔲 When he Sees you are living what you read,
he Flees.
🔲 when you are about to Forward this Message, he will try to Discourage you...
I Defeated him,
A man woke up early in order to have his morning devotion. He got dressed, set on his way to Allah's house.
On his way to the MASJID, the man fell and his clothes got dirty.. He got up, brushed himself up, and headed home.
At home, he changed his clothes, and was, again, on his way to the MASJID.
On his way to the MASJID, he fell again at the same spot! He, again, got up, brushed himself off and headed home.
At home he, once again, changed his clothes and was on his way to Allah's house.
On his way to the MASJID, he met a man holding a lamp. He asked the man of his identity and the man replied 'I saw you fall twice on your way to the MASJID, so I brought a lamp so I can light your way.
The first man thanked him profusely and the two went on their way to the MASJID.
Once at the MASJID, the first man asked the man with the lamp to come in and offer SALAAH with him.
The second man refused.
The first man asked him a couple more times and, again, the answer was the same.
The first man asked him why he did not wish to come in and pray.
The man replied, 'I am Satan'. The man was shocked at this reply. Satan went on to explain, 'I saw you on your way to the MASJID and it was I who made you fall. When you went home, cleaned yourself and went back on your way to the MASJID, Allah ( s.w.t) forgave all of your sins.
I made you fall a second time, and even that did not encourage you to stay home, but rather, you went back on your way to MASJID. Because of that, Allah (s.w.t) forgave all the sins of the people of your household.
I was afraid if I made you fall one more time, then Allah (s.w.t )will forgive the sins of the whole nation (world)so I made sure that you reached the MASJID safely.'
Do not put off the good you intended to do as you never know how much reward you might receive from the hardships you encounter while trying to achieve that good.
For your righteousness can save your family and nation at large.
Do this and see the victory of the Allah ( s.w.t )
If forwarding this message will bother you, or take too much time from you, then don't do it, but you will not get the reward of it, which is great.
Wouldn't it be easy just to press 'Forward' and receive this reward?
Praise be to Allah ( s.w.t) in the highest.
🔲When you Carry the Quran. Shaitan gets a Headache.
🔲When you Open it, he Collapses.
🔲When he Sees you Reading it, he Faints.
🔲 When he Sees you are living what you read,
he Flees.
🔲 when you are about to Forward this Message, he will try to Discourage you...
I Defeated him,
semoga bermanfaat ... :)